Friday, February 24, 2006

Day 302 - Friday 24th February 2006

Uneventful Day. We stayed in and chatted a lot of the day about this and that.

Nice, quiet day. The highlight of the day (it doesn't get much more exciting than this) was........................exercises

kp did all her usual exercises and then remembered the "sorting buttons" exercise that she did at the physio hospital. We did sorting "pills" takes one pill from one bowl and puts it in the other one.

Obviously, "we did sorting pills" means Karen sorted them. I just kept going "nice one" and "oh, that was a tricky one" for the smaller pills ;-)

She did very well and I could see an improvement on the last time. Before, it was like a crane going down for a toy at the arcades and fingers crossed whether you got a toy or not. This time, it was more like 2 fingers grasping a pill carefully. It's nowhere near like she could do with her right hand, and she chased the smallest pill round the table for quite some time before she got it, but it is a definate improvement !!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen and David, Bernie here, your sister Michelle's old friend. Hope you don't mind me contacting you, I keep asking michelle how you are and she suggested I contact you by this means. Karen, I have to say, having spoke to Michelle over the past 10 months, and reading the day to day entries in the blogg, I am amazed at how far you have come in your recovery. Having said that though, it doesn't suprise me, you were always a no nonsense, if there is a problem lets get it sorted kind of person, I don't know who used to scare me more you or your mum!!

On a serious note karen, from an outsider looking in at your lives over the past 10 months, I can only see you both going from strenght to strenght with each day.I know you already know this but you have something people would envy; each other, family and friends that clearly love you both very much. You both have courage beyond belief. I bet you are thinking Karen, god bernie has matured, it's because I am nearly 40 and I have got somebody with me telling me what to write, only joking!

David, you probably don't remember me, we have met once. Both you and karen have been through so much over the past year and it's obvious from reading the bloggs how much you are committed and love each other. Thats enough to get you through the difficult times, so remember that!

Oh by the way, I have finally managed to get michelle to visit me, she is coming sometime in March. Can you believe karen I left Middlesbrough 21 years ago and have never managed to get michelle to vist. she tried to get out of it last night by saying she couldn't come cause the person who was supposed to look after the dogs is no longer able too, I told her to bring the dogs!

Anyway Karen and David, take good care of each other, you are in my thoughts.

Bernie Cannon (macqueen)

9:15 pm  

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