Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Day 300 - Wednesday 22nd February 2006

kp was full of aches and pains this morning, with her back especially giving her gip.

I went to pick Marie, Adele, Abbie and Louisa up in Durham for their stayover. We had a really good afternoon. Louisa (2) seems to be particulary keen on men, and within 30 minutes of arriving, she seemed glued to me. I loved it ! :-)

Here are Abbie and Louisa on one of our chairs moments after they arrived.

Louisa then came in the computer room and sat on my lap as I typed emails. Here she is with my glasses on.

When it came to going out, she wanted me to get her ready, put her trousers and top on, change her shoes etc.... NO PROBLEM !!!

Louisa :- David, wee weee............ (she wanted me to take her to the loo)


I don't do Nappies, Pull-up pants and trips to the loo. I must get a sign saying this at the threshold to our house. Will all visitors to Chez Pollard please note this for future.

We went out to the local fun factory place and the kids ran themselves ragged.

£2 for as long as they wanted and Louisa went free. MONEY WELL SPENT. The only problem is you have to stay on the premises, so we couldn't collect them tomorrow.

An extra 50p each for face painting.....

Abbie is a butterfly, and Louisa is a princess in case it wasn't obvious.

Karen and I have really enjoyed their company and had lots of good laughs. It's 9.30pm and the kids are still wide awake. When I was a lad, I had to be in bed by 6pm, those were the days ! :-)

That's it for today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen and David,
Hey Louisa looks just like you David the glasses on(Adele will kill me for saying that) Looks like you had a great day out I have been to fun city today (same kind of place) with 18 kids from the youth club thank god they go to the toilet themselves.I am worn out but the kids all had fun. You will be able to have some great days in the summer holidays with Louisa and Abby and you will get some great nights sleep because you will be tired out speake soon Love an Hugs Margo

5:03 pm  

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