Thursday, February 16, 2006

Day 294 - Thursday 16th February 2006

We had to get up early today as the NeuroPsychologist was visiting at 10am.

Her visits are always very valuable to us, and today was particularly so. kp had written down about 5 issues to discuss with her. It included things like....

  • Her feeling so full of aches and pains all the time was getting her down
  • Her hearing of news (which deep down she already knows) gets her upset when she hears it officially
  • She has recently had things arranged by work and by the Job Centre which she feels are intended to get her back to work. She wants to get back to work, but she is nowhere near ready, and she spoke to the NP about the fact she got confused by the discrepancy between , her current state and their recent calls for talks.
  • She discussed with her how she got upset at hearing of the driver's Guilty (to Dangerous Driving) plea

The NP really helps explain things in a way which eases kp's view on things. Right at the end of the session, kp said to the NP :-

"And, now I am going to discuss something that David doesn't know I was going to discuss....."

Namely, me and how I got down a few weeks ago. I had completely forgot. Anyway, we had 5 minutes about me, which actually did help me. My favourite bit was when the NP said........

"And you're a very intelligent person David...."

I burst out laughing, but of course she is so right ! ;-)

Within 30 minutes of the NP leaving, we were joined by Abbie and Adele. It was freezing cold outside (it had been snowing earlier) and Abbie (in her summer wear, short skirt + T-Shirt) was blue !

We had some lunch and then Abbie and I went on to the computer, flying aeroplanes, driving trains (which didn't last long), before we went to Paper Doll Heaven (on the internet) and spent (what seemed like hours) dressing up dolls at Paper Doll Heaven. Oh, what fun !

That's it for today. kp and I had a snooze in the afternoon and I am making an early tea as we speak, before we are all going to the X Factor concert in Newcastle. Abbie is looking forward to seeing Chenai and Shayne.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi All,
Hope you all have a great time at x factor(mind I thought Shayne had nodules on his voice box)you will have to let me know if he was singing.Sorry havent been blogging as much I have been busy trying to sort out some new things for the kids to do at the youth club, its a slog as everything has to be checked and double checked. Karen you are a wonder so please try not to get so down hearted I know (well I dont realy but you know what I mean)its hard but keep your chin your love it will get better Love an Hugs Margo

10:02 pm  

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