Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Day 293 - Wednesday 15th February 2006

Well, a bit of an exciting night last night for me, which has a bit of a bearing on kp, so I will relay the gist of it.

A while ago, I bought a PC off a company who sells them on Ebay. I have had nothing but problems with the pc, and after having the phone put down on me twice by the company's representative, I left damning (but honest) negative feedback.

The chap phoned up last night demanding I withdraw the feedback and threatened me with ........

Reporting me to the tax office for my Ebay Sales
Reporting me to Ebay and getting my account deleted
Threatened me with legal action for "defamation" and
Threatened me with legal action to recover lost sales (due to my feedback)

I was on the phone with him for a long time, but during the phone call, my tea became ready to eat and Karen was very aware that it was getting cold. Instinctively, she took the phone off me...........

kp (to the chap on the phone) :- Will you stop shouting ?! My husband is trying to have his tea, he has asked you if its ok to phone you back..........

The chap then blabbed on to Karen. Now........normally, kp could handle this kind of person and defuse the situation no problems, and to be fair, she did brilliantly (given her situation), but I ended up taking the phone back off her.

After the call, we reflected on this, and she expressed her concern how she couldn't handle that situation as well as she normally could. Looking from an outsider's perspective, I didn't notice much difference, but she assured me she would have had more staying power with that kind of situation.

After a further one hour call (with me), the chap started threatening me with physical violence and said he was coming up to "sort me out" at which point I hung up. He then continued ringing the mobile phone and our home phone constantly. I ended up unplugging our phone line. this space.........

With that over, I needed a fag (not a homosexual, for US readers) and a brandy. I ended up having 2 fags and 2 brandies and didn't sleep very well at all. :-(

Gobshite that he obviously is, he didn't turn up. kp wasn't too phased by the whole thing, but at the same time, part of me was thinking "Just withdraw the feedback for an easy life, it's better for Karen etc...", but I don't like being threatened, and had to hold my ground :-(

Anyway, kp slept ok ish, my night was a bit more interrupted. I was glad we had 3 German Shepherds last night.

Today the OT came to work on kp's loss of left vision (perception).

She did loads of tests with kp where kp had to fill in grids with patterns and the end result was that Karen has a loss of 1/8th of her left field of vision. It's not an eye problem, but a result of the stroke. There was a name for it, but I am damned if I can spell it or even say it again !!

As it stands at the moment, Karen would not be allowed to drive a car :-( She went on to discuss kp's lost right eye sight and her left eye perception problem and the impact on everyday life. We already know that kp used to only see the right side of a plate of food and would think she had had a small portion until the plate was rotated 180' .

But this has improved and the OT went on to say, that with retraining, the perception problem could be further improved ! :-)

To me, this was nothing new, and I think deep down, to Karen, this was nothing new, but kp takes "hearing this" kind of thing from a professional quite badly. It makes it real, and got a bit upset :-(

So, she was a bit fed up this afternoon and spent most of it in bed. The Neuropsychologist is now coming tomorrow.

That's it for today.


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