Friday, February 10, 2006

Day 285 to 288 - Tuesday 7th - Friday 10th January 2006

Day 285 - Tuesday 7th February 2006

Well, we were up at the crack of dawn (in Karen's time), about 8am in real world time to get ready for the off. We had a cup of tea with Marie and finished packing and we were at the station by 9.15am. Papers bought, we were heading to London Kings Cross by 9.30am.

Karen slept quite a bit of the way there.

CLICK HERE to see kp asleep and then wake up

Ronnie was at the station to greet us and help us to the taxi. One of the sad things about kp's condition is that we have to reduce walking to a minimum, so things like tube rides are out of the question. I love going deep underground into the tube and really missed it, but we HAD to travel by taxi for kp's sake. Neil met us at the hotel. It was fabulous to see him after nearly 20 years. That was such a fun time in our lives (when we knew Neil) and we hit it off as if we had only seen him yesterday. He showed us to our room, or should I say ROOMS !!!! He had VERY kindly put us in the admiral suite, which was a 4-roomed apartment (living room, kitchenette, bedroom and a bathroom). WOW !!!!

Actually, it was quite inconsiderate of Neil as it took about 1 minute for Karen to get from the suite door to the bathroom. Some people are just thoughtless ! ;-)

No, we loved it. Fresh fruit and fresh flowers, it was all lovely !

Here are some pictures of the suite.....

Living Area

Corridor (running the length of the suite)

The View

CLICK HERE for some footage of the suite.

We dropped our bags, let Neil get back to work and went for lunch with Ronnie in the hotel restaurant (to save Karen from excess walking). We aimed for the brasserie, but found ourself in the posh restaurant. We had a beautiful meal in there. Here are kp and vdfromboro in the "blue" restaurant. We had a 2-course meal, which turned out to be 5-course, because there was a pre-starter and a pre-dessert. I had a heart attack when the bill came, but the bottle of chablis Ronnie and I shared had loosened my wallet padlock somewhat.

Ronnie left us about 5pm and kp and I had a short snooze before going to see Billy Elliot at the Victoria Palace Theatre. It was awesome !!! Thoroughly thoroughly enjoyable and very funny to boot.

We had a couple of drinks at the bar when we got back and went straight to bed.

Day 286 - Wednesday 8th February 2006

We had agreed to meet with Neil for breakfast. It ended up being a 2hour+ breakfast and it was so great to reminisce and find out what Neil has been doing for 20 years and vice versa. We do hope he keeps in touch !

We went for a snooze after that and then we went into the swimming pool. Neil had said to bring our "costumes" and kp was keen to try the pool, given that she couldn't get any hydrotherapy treatment because she was a stroke patient.

The problem we faced were the old vertical steps into the pool. There would be no problem for kp getting in the pool, worse scenario was I could push her in ! But getting her out could be VERY tricky. We got her in, by me going a step in front of her acting as a support for her back as she went down step by step. I encouraged her left hand to hold the left railing and although it didn't take the weight, it did aid her balance.

Karen was quite frightened once in the water. She tried a few swimming motions, but it didn't keep her afloat, so she spent the whole time holding my hands walking round the shallow end of the pool. She enjoyed the sensation, but was a little upset that she could no longer swim ! Her fear took a while to subside, and then she got enough confidence for me to go a little deeper and for her to be weightless holding my hands while I pulled her round the pool.

I took her back to the shallow end, attached her to the steps while I got a long beer can width float that went under her arms. This kept her head from sinking and she tried kicking to swim, but didn't get very far. She hasn't been in a position (since the accident) where her head has been in front of her feet and she has effectively been on her stomach and she found this quite painful, but persevered.

At this point, a 60 year old woman got in the pool and watched us for a while before saying :-

Old Woman :- Do you know, I only just started to learn to swim 2 years ago, so keep trying !

Well, I could tell kp was incensed by this, but we didn't want to get into a "SHE CAN SWIM, BUT SHE HAS HAD A STROKE" kind of conversation. So, we nodded politely.

Anyway, we had the last laugh, because this woman then proceeded to "swim" (in inverted commas). Well every time she kicked with her feet, she sent a plume of water 20 feet in the air ! We were in stitches. It took her about 2 minutes to swim the length of the pool (18 metres).

Getting out of the pool was like getting in but in reverse. I acted as a "can't fall backwards" stopper and it worked.

Swimming over, we went for a snooze before heading out to see Mary Poppins

Here is kp outside the Prince Edward Theatre....

Mary Poppins was great, and her final exit was very impressive, flying from the stage above everyone's heads into the Gods.

Exiting the theatre, kp started to complain of bad aches and pains. Worse than usual. We put it down to the earlier swimming, when she had been in brand new body positions.

Taxi back to the hotel and then drinks in the bar again, before retiring.

Before I retired, I checked the train times to make sure we were up in time. 3.30pm in the afternoon. A bit strange !!! I normally wouldn't book tickets that late, but there you go.

Day 287 - Thursday 9th February 2006

We got up late today (about 11am). Karen checked the tickets to make sure I had the right time.

We worked out the timings and I booked a taxi to take us to the train station for 2.30pm so we could have lunch before the train. We went to the "Duke of York" (at Kings Cross) for lunch. An absolute dive !! Dirty smutty place ! But it was somewhere for kp to sit down as we waited for our train.

I checked the screens regularly for the platform of the train. I thought it a bit strange how our ticket said 3.31pm but the screen said 3.30pm ?!?!??! So, I checked the ticket !!!!!!!!!!

JESUS CHRIST !!!!!!! The train arrives in Durham at 3.31pm and SETS OFF at 12.30pm !!! We'd missed our bl++dy train !!!!

I went to the ticket office, but there was nothing they could do !!! I knew Karen could not be hanging around a station for hours, so I booked us on the 3.30pm to Durham at a cost of (WAIT FOR IT) £210 !!!!!!!!!!!


PLUS NOW, we had NO seat reservation, so kp may have to stand. We waited in front of the big board and as soon as the platform appeared we headed for the train and so did EVERYONE else looking at the board. Of course, Karen walks at 1mph now, whereas everyone else was running to the train.

We ended up being the only people walking to the train, with everyone else on. We walked past first class, past second class and found a first class carriage at the end of the train ?!?!?! The station chappy was blowing his whistle and closing the door, so we just jumped on (figuratively speaking). I told Karen to sit in the first class and we would deal with the ramifications.

Anyway, as it turns out, they had run out of second class carriages so the first class carriage we were in was actually second class ! PHEW ! We kept telling each other on the journey home "let's not think of the money we have lost", and then one of us would say something, and then the other would say "let's not think of the money we have lost" :-)

We got home at 7pm. Boy, was it good to be home !!!

Marie had left the house spotless - THANKS SO MUCH MARIE !!!

We pretty much went straight to bed !

Day 288 - Friday 10th February 2006

It's great to be home. I got up early as there was lots to do, but Karen didn't get up until 2pm. When she got up she was in a LOT of pain and discomfort. Her mood had changed for the worse and I could tell she was not a happy bunny.

kp:- "I am sick of feeling like this."

She was referring to (what seems to her as) an endless life of pain/discomfort.

Today was the date for the driver (who caused the accident) to enter his plea. I rang up at 4.30pm to find out what had happened. He has pleaded "Guilty" to "Dangerous Driving". March 8th is when his sentence will be decided. The magistrates court can only give 6 months in prison (plus loss of licence (guaranteed) and points etc....), but they can refer it up to Crown Court if they feel a bigger sentence is necessary (max 1 year in prison plus loss of licence etc).

I asked Karen how she felt about it.

kp:- It doesn't matter does it. It's not going to make my life any better.

I thought she would be pleased that he had come forward, admitted his guilt, but it really didn't matter to her.

30 minutes later, Karen was inconsolable. In her words, she has had a "reality check". This accident has happened and there is nothing that is going to fix things for her. It is so saddening to see her so upset, and me so powerless to help her or put things right.

kp (in tears):- The only thing that will help me is if we could put the clocks back and I'd be ok again.

I am crying as I type this.

So sad !!!

She had a good cry, and said she just wanted to "get out of here". She meant go to sleep and forget about it.

I went to bed with her and comforted her until she fell asleep. It's 7.35pm now and I have tea on the go. I will wake her up at 8pm and fingers crossed, she will feel better. I feel soooooooo sorry for her. Sooo sorry ! :-(

To end on a high note, we had a great London trip. Thanks Neil for everything you have done, we REALLY appreciate it !

Life goes on in the Pollard household......


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