Thursday, February 02, 2006

Day 280 - Thursday 2nd February 2006

Bl++dy awful night last night. Excessive snoozing during the day led to us getting up at some ungodly hour and having a cup of tea around 2/3am ish. We tried to go back to sleep, but I was coughing and sniffing every 30 seconds, keeping kp awake. Eventually, I went into another bedroom and we both managed to get some sleep.

Uneventful Day today.

Still feeling full of cold, I went to bed at 12pm until 5pm, kp went sometime between those times and isn't up yet.

What exciting lives we lead !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi All,
Hair on both you ladies looks great sorry cant say the same about yours David he he.
Karen I wouldnt worry to much about shopping I do myself a note then forget to take it and I havent been through what you have.I and I suspect lots of other blogers think you are wonderful in what you been able to do in such a short time.If someone breaks a leg it takes them months to get back to normal so dont worry you are doing great one step at a time you expect to much from yourself all at once anyway Love an Hugs Margo

8:08 am  

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