Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Day 279 - Wednesday 1st February 2006

We had a nice evening with Marie with Shepherd's Pie for tea (or should that be Sherpherd's Pie (regular bloggers will understand)).

Marie started coming down with the dreaded "cold!!!", and both Marie and I found ourselves going round different rooms of the house saying :-

dp :- Oooo, it's cold in this room.....
Marie :- Nah, it's hot in here.

and vice versa.

I still suspect the boiler, but Marie assures me our body thermostats have gone with our "cold!!!".

Karen wanted to phone Ronnie to wish her the best for her return to work, but forgot and was cursing herself when she remembered real late last night.

We had some real good news last night. I had contacted a load of old buddies (via Friends Reunited) and one of them replied last night (Hi Neil !). We are meeting up with him when we go down to London next week.

Just before we went to bed, Karen and I were in stitches laughing in the bathroom. This won't be funny when it is recalled in a blog, but I have to record it, because we found it so funny, and kp will appreciate this when she reads it back in a year's time.

Karen was discussing exercises she had to do.

kp:- I'll tell you what I haven't done, the exercise where you go..........

And then she showed me the exercise, which is....with her left arm/hand, moving it out and "polishing a table" and then "wiping a window", but as she did the actions, she went "Ow !!!!" and then "Ow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".

So, what was funny, was what I heard which was .............

kp:- I'll tell you what I haven't done, the exercise where you go "Ow !!!!" and then "Ow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". We laughed for about a minute about that. Marie must have thought we were potty.

Today, we had the OT visit to help kp make some soup. She brought with her a board that holds veg in place. Here she is getting a lesson on it.

She made the soup. It was lovely, but a bit more Leek than "Leek and Potato", not that I am a fussy bugger. No, it was lovely :-) We all had some with Marie's bread buns, before Marie returned home.

After the soup, Karen mentioned her "swallowing" problem again. Normally, stroke patients have problems swallowing solids (from our experience on the ward), but with Karen, it seems to be the opposite. Apparently, she had complained to Marie the previous night that she nearly choked on some tea. She struggled with the soup and the way she describes it is "It gets to the back of my throat, and I don't know which way it is going to go down." - Sounds awful !

Snooze in the afternoon and that's it for today...


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