Monday, February 06, 2006

Day 284 - Monday 6th January 2006

kp was up a LOT during the night going to the commode. :-( This meant she had a late lie-in. She woke up not feeling as good as yesterday. "Bit stiff" were her words.

The OT arrived at 11.30am to do physio with kp in the absence of kp's main physio. She brought with her a special chopping board to help kp chop veg. And she also brought a big wood box with some dexterity testing tools in. kp said she didn't do very well at them. No pictures as I was asleep when she came. sorry.

When she had gone, we went in to Durham to pick Marie up and get some clothes for kp for our London trip tomorrow. Marie is kindly staying at ours, watching the dogs. We are going to London until Thursday night to see Billy Elliot and Mary Poppins - really looking forward to it ! Unlikely I will be able to blog until Thursday.

That's it for tonight and probably until then.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen and David,

just catching up on the blog from the last week or so.....really brilliant to see you looking so well in the photos Karen, must have been the new stylist I guess?
no you really do look great.

Hope all is well, take care,

Dave I

1:21 pm  

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