Friday, March 10, 2006

Day 316 - Friday 10th March 2006

Because of kp's big sleep yesterday, I couldn't stay up as late as her and retired about 12am. kp didn't come to bed until 3am !!

Adele came to do our cleaning at about 12pm and got well stuck in. kp got up when she arrived, and had a shower. I wanted to say "quick shower", but they are a thing of the past. Hairdressers at 1pm.

Pain seems to be in control at the moment and she hasn't needed any special dp ralgex rubs.

On returning from the hairdressers, kp said she couldn't be bothered to have the usual banter with the ladies in there. I think she is still a bit flat, but I sense an upward mood swing coming.

We popped in at the charity shop on the way home, as I wanted a dog walking coat. £4 - A real bargain. Although I am sure Marie would have got £3 knocked off that, and got them to throw 2 in for the price of 1 as well. ;-)

Here's kp's new look hair doo. Another style to get used to - yippee ! :-(

I am starting to work on "Karen Pollard's Biggest Challenge" - the book version. kp is due to start reading the blog 1 year after the accident (27th April 2005) and I want to have it in book format by then. By that, I mean that it will be readable from front to back. At the moment, if you wanted to read the blog from the beginning, you have to read it in a disjointed fashion. In preparation for this, I am fleshing out the first 2/3 weeks. The first 2 weeks were so touch and go that I didn't have the wherewithall to write blog entries, so I have only brief entries for these first couple of weeks. I am sifting through Karen's medical records from the hospital and conferring with friends and family to make the first 2 weeks more of a fuller read, so hopefully kp will know how bleak things were in the first few weeks.

I hope to make the new blog book version available on the web for anyone else who wants to reminisce or relive it.

Here's me sifting through Karen's medical records. This pile represents about half the records.....

Chicken Bake tonight as we skipped it last night - kp didn't eat at all.

PS - John Brundle - great to hear from you. You're welcome to visit, but we understand the time a 2 1/2 year old takes up. If you want to arrange to pop through (with or without child/wife, we are easy), then give me a ring on my mobile if you still have the number or you can email me. We'd love to see you again !


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