Monday, March 20, 2006

Day 326 - Monday 20th March 2006

Happy Anniversary Karen :-) 13 years today and she remembered.

A stonkingly good day today. kp is "on fire" :-)

Compared to last week, Karen is sooooooooo much better in both mood and physical ability. There was nothing getting in her way today.

I think her pain being in check helps significantly with her mood, but it seems more than that. The day pretty much well started on a high and got better all day.

kp got herself up while I was dog walking and showered herself (no change there), but today ...........

kp:- I washed my hair with 2 hands today (beaming smile).

She went on to demonstrate her new technique, which was as much her head going down to her left hand as her left hand going on top of her head, but hey - it works !! :-)

We had a nice cheery breakfast before the lady from the Stroke Association arrived. She said the right thing to Karen over and over again. It was as if I had written a script of all the right things she should have said and she said them.

Karen queried her about her constant tiredness, something I am always saying to her is normal given her stroke/medication etc...

Stroke Association Lady :- Yes, that's totally normal. With a head injury or stroke alone, you would be feeling a lot more tired all the time. Noone knows scientifically why that is, but they say it is something to do with your brain having to work harder to do everyday things.


kp quizzed her about how long her recovery will take. The lady told her not to rush herself and allow a couple of years (from now) for things to get as well as they're going to get.

She also gave kp a good "measure" for when she should consider going back to work, specifically..........

Stroke Association lady :- When you can get up at 8am, get yourself ready completely on your own, go shopping all day, come back and make tea and not fall asleep until the night time, and you can do that 3 times a week, then you can consider some part time work.

This was brilliantly put, as kp now realises that she can't do that without 12 snoozes per day ;-) and therefore isn't ready for work.

It was a really good session.

No sooner had she gone than the OT and assistant arrived to take kp shopping. kp had done all the menus for the week and the resultant shopping list. I didn't go as the whole point is kp doing everything (bar the driving) for herself. According to the OT, kp did very well with no problems.


Snooze beckoned when she got back and I can hear she has just got up now. So all in all, an exceedingly good cake of a day.

May tomorrow be much the same ! :-)


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