Friday, March 31, 2006

Day 337 - Friday 31st March 2006

Funny night last night. We were both absolutely knackered after the plumbers' visit. They didn't go until 8.15pm ! We had tea and then were fast asleep by 9.15pm !

I got up at 1.30am for a couple of hours. kp hadn't a clue I was up. kp got up at 4am and came back about 6am and I hadn't a clue she was up.

Relaxing morning. We enjoyed a cup of tea outside - lovely weather. Here is Cleo fast asleep in the back yard.

Ronnie arrived at lunchtime - she is staying until Sunday. It was good to catch up with her. For the past 2 hours, kp and Ronnie have invaded MY space in the computer room and have been doing online dating trying to find Ronnie a fella. Boy, it's been driving me CRAZY.

kp:- Oh, he looks nice.
Ronnie:- Yes, but he doesn't want a smoker.

kp:- What about him ? He's a football fan
Ronnie:- But he is a Chelsea supporter, I couldn't be doing with that. They have to support boro

Ronnie:- He's cute, but he only wants a 25-35 year old.

Ronnie:- Now, here's one. He sounds lovely, but look at his photo, I am sure he is not 45, more like 55.

And on and on and on and on and on.

kp:- Eeeeee, isn't this dating site good ?
dp:- Don't you be getting ideas love !!!

Christ - They are still going on about it as I write this blog ! kp is now egging Ronnie on to ring some of them up.

Get me out of here !

Here is a photo I snapped. kp giving her usual "Don't take a photo" look !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well wot type of look is that yor giving vd kp?X

10:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helooooooo, mrs p,and dp,looking good KP, just had a little catch up on the blog,.. Your physio seems to be coming along great,hope wa David wasn t getting any riskeeee ideas when you were on all fours.Hence the Owwwwwwwwwwwww !!!! ha ha . No doubt you and Ronnie are having a laugh on DD, has she tried looking up north,but keep an eye out for dippy s comb over man,,,, Hope you all have a great weekend.As i could see by the pics,doggies in fine form,give Cleo a kiss from me and titters the scaredy cat... Looking forward to the BINGO,that will be such a hoot,See you soon lots of love LYDIA AND CO XXXXX

11:11 am  

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