Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Day 342 - Wednesday 5th April 2006

A good day today.

kp had to be up at the crack of dawn today (9.45am) as she had to have visit a doctor in Durham for an assessment.

He was a nice bloke and he asked kp lots about the accident and how it has affected her life. He finished with an examination where we had a funny incident. To set the scene, kp has a very large scar on her stomach. It is about 1 inch wide and because of her hernia is very long going from just below her chest to the very bottom of her stomach (about 16 inches). It has the usual cross-pattern where the stitches were, so is quite a sight at first viewing. So, back to the examination.....

He assessed the strength in kp's legs/arms, saw how much movement she had and various other tests. He then wanted to see her stomach.

Doctor (as he lifted kp's t-shirt up) :- Have you had any operations on your stomach ?
Doctor (t-shirt lifted) :- My word ! That's a yes then.

We laughed.

Following this, she went for an eye examination (another one). First of all, kp's left eye was covered so she could only see out of her bad eye.

Eye woman :- So, what is the first letter ?
kp looked for about 5 seconds, obviously not seeing it (or probably even the board the letters were on)

Eye woman :- Can you see the big "O" at the top ?
kp looked for a second and said .................. :- "O"

I laughed.

She didn't get any more, but I am sure if the woman had asked her if she could see "X D and N" she would have got them too.

With that examination over, we came home and had a cup of tea with Adele who was here cleaning the house and then it was time for a snooze before the neuropsychologist (NP) came.

The NP's visit was good and we had a nice natter with her. kp's mood has been good since her last visit and so there weren't really any problems to be addressed. We aren't going to have any more planned appointments and are just going to ring her if we need her help, which is probably for the best.

That's it. Things are going well at the moment, so fingers crossed kp's mood stays lifted. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi kp and sexy(lol) dp....just caught up on the blog, wish id been there for the onion laughs all

but i have to admit i use a spoon ...not to cut the onion of hold it in your ok...but your's david is much better...

nothing much happening this end really,

just work and a little bit more

had a few days off with the girls was very nice and we had a few good laughs too..

ok pet it late so im off to bed
speak soon

love to all


9:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen and DP,

hope you got my email Karen.
the story about your eye test had me laughing, brought back memories of mine from school, dont know if you remember but I have had a dodgy eye since i was a kid(threw all my specs away in juniors!!!) I remember getting caught sooo many times cheating at the eye test, peeping through my fingers, opening my other had to be there I guess!!!

anyhow, you keep up the good work.....or ill send Mowser round!!

take care,

Dave I

3:43 pm  

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