Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Day 34 - Tuesday 31st May - Part Two

Not too much to report from the evening shift. Marie had done the day shift and she caught the consultants visit. She reported that kp may need an operation on her head to clean up the head wound. It does look awful.

Changing Rooms
Karen has changed rooms today. She is now in a larger private room. The other one was a little hard to navigate round. This one is much more roomy. Marie had the unenviable task of doing the move and had to move 60+ "Get Well" cards from the wall in the old room to the new. Shame I missed that job. Marie, you didn't get them as straight as I had them in the old room.

When I arrived for the evening shift, Marie was like a woman possessed. She had been reborn as a cross between Hitler and Mother Theresa. I have never heard so many orders issued to me in such a short space of time, all in the best interests of kp, so I didn't mind ! :-)

My mum and dad visited this evening. Karen was not really in the mood for company today, and it was Mum and Dad that were the unlucky visitors. They thought she looked great compared to a week ago, but I could tell she wasn't her usual chirpy self.

Pain Patch
kp has a patch on that lasts 3 days that gives her a constant supply of pain relief. It is much smaller than a nicotine patch and is transparent. It looks like the kind of thing they stick on Oranges. In fact, I think it may well be. They are probably doing it cheap and just hoping for the placebo effect.

Tired Eyes
Karen was very tired tonight and fell asleep constantly. Some days we can't get her to sleep for hours because we are forever looking for the elusive comfy position. Today, there are a lot more positions that are comfy, and she had no problems sleeping.

When I told her I was going, she said I should stay and talk to her. I told her she was falling asleep all the time. I stayed and talked to her about some topic or other...It went something like this.....

kp:- Can you get me some lipbalm ?
dp gets the lipbalm and puts it on kp's lips.
dp:- Do you know when you were sedated, I would say "purse your lips" and you would !
kp:- Was.......................?

Gone !

Fast Asleep !

Cracking Conversation kp, thanks !!!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi david,oh so sorry,new title,nurse david or should we promote you to sister pollard,keep up the great work ,supporting KP,I am sure she will love the wee willy winky picture,great, LOL !! Cant wait to see kp again,prepare her for more belly laughs..... I hope you both have a peaceful nights sleep,in preparation for another positive day in KPs amazing recovery.LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU BOTH xxxx lydia

12:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen+David,
hope you both had a good nights sleep, did you get your new bed and chair yet you didnt say David.
Well what a day I had, I saw the kids all walking round with what I thought were ciggies smoke blowing and everything I nearly had a heart atack. (They had all gone to the joke shop while i was getting some teas) They looked so real I made them all put them away till we were coming home.If someone had reported that the kids were smoking we would have been in trouble with a capital T.Everything went smoothly after that untill Colin (manager)said we will go this way back after we had been on the water slide.It was this way back ok,it was an assault course just for kids mind, but it was like a real one for me and I only had filp flops on. You would have hade a belly laugh at that one Karen you would have thought I had done the London marathon.The kids thought it was hilarious they couldnt stop laughing. All in all we had a great day most of the kids went to sleep on the way home so they must have enjoyed it. Hope this has given you a laugh at my expense something a bit different. Margo

8:24 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well welcome to the club david....kp forgets she talking to me too...lol..on many occacitions we have been in the middle of a conversation and she just wanders off...i have to say hoi...parttime...what were you saying..'oh was i talking to you....????????? lol

well done to marie on the dule role....your doing a great job...as are you all..

Now then kp..how many more room..opps sorry 'private' rooms do you want...??? hope this one suites madam....

will be in to see you soon....just for a quick look at wee willy winky...

love to all and keep up the good work...love

9:20 am  

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