Thursday, June 02, 2005

Day 35 - Thursday 2nd June - Part One

Karen had another good night's sleep but was very tired and groggy this morning. She didn't want breakfast and no amount of coaxing would get any food down her. She didn't want the buildup drink the nurse provided in place of breakfast.

She feels light-headed when we turn her and I really feel she needs to be eating more. I tried persuading her, but you don't mess with kp when she is well, and you definately don't argue with her when she looks like a tired Wee Willy Winkie.

Phoned the police for an update. They are going to be questioning the man involved over the next few days.

An uneventful morning.

The fun started to happen as I left at lunchtime. Marie, Jane, Yvonne and Debs arrived and the laughter began. Shame I had to leave, but I have an overdraft with the Bank of Sleep at the moment and need to catch up.

Maybe more to post later when I return on the evening shift and hear all the gossip.


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