Monday, August 29, 2005

Day 123 - Monday 29th August - Party Time

Shortly after I arrived and we had chatted for a while, kp + I both decided to have a snooze as we had PLENTY of time for a bath. Midway through the snooze, Uncle Bernard (and Lauren) arrived with a card for Adele's Birthday Bash. They ended up staying for 30 minutes or so and we had a really good natter with them about various issues. By the time they left, we no longer were tired and did the bath thing.

I had brought some makeup in for kp the other day. So, as well as "doing her hair", she also puts her lippy on and other makeup things (too complicated for me). Speaking of too complicated, I had to bring in her flip-up compact with "foundation" in. I had specific instructions which one. When I got back home, I delved into the depths of the makeup drawer to find 4 what appeared to be IDENTICAL compacts, all slightly different states of usage and what appeared to be different shades. I had to "use the force Luke" to bring the right one in, but I nailed it, either that or kp's eyesight is bad enough for me to get away with a wrong shade.

So by 1.30pm we were all set for the party (due to start at 2pm) and she looked great. I persuaded kp to greet the first guests outside as it was a glorious day today. She wasn't keen to go outside, but she did it for me. Here's kp with vdfromboro (pronounced BOWROW) outside the Jubille entrance

It wasn't long before all the guests arrived. Michelle was 30 minutes late, but that's her trademark and we love her still.

We all had instructions from Karen and Marie. I was on soft drinks, Adele was on nibbles, Marie was on Corned Beef Pie and Fancies, Michelle was on Vegetarian stuff and Yvonne was on the cake (and other stuff). It worked out brilliantly and it was cracking fayre.

The nurses had kindly said we could use "the day room" for the party (sorry kp, the "get-together"). kp doesn't like me calling it a party.

We all tucked in and stuffed our faces - the food/drinks was lovely and a smashing example of how a family can pull together to produce a cracking feast.

After the food, it was time for the day's highlight, the moment we had all been looking forward to, namely Yvonne's Salsa demonstration. kp had been in stitches when she did it in her bedroom, and we were all gagging to see Yvonne strut her stuff. UNFORTUNATELY, she wanted to change it in to a Salsa Dance Class. YIKES !!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of a sudden, everyone of us had an excuse why we couldn't do it. Mobile phones popped out of people's pockets to pretend we each wanted to record the event so "therefore" couldn't be involved. Some people needed the loo, some people downright said "no" (yvonne's son and husband initially).

Karen had the only real excuse, but thankfully I got out of it referring to the blog, the need to record it etc...

It started with a demonstration by Yvonne....

it was quite lengthy....

but it did finish eventually....the following day.... :-)

In no time, everyone was up..........

kp was amused............

Abbie(8) took centre stage for a while. She is great and has natural rhythm (just like me (ahem))...

Freddie took to the floor with his dance partner Louisa (2) .....

A good time was had by all............

Some people weren't too keen on dancing, but motorbikes were a big attraction ....

^^ Ethan wearing kp's gloves, helmet and my boots

Marie became very aware that kp would normally have been the first one up dancing and the last one down sitting but of course she can't, so she suggested something that she thought kp would have been able to do and that she enjoyed, namely "Charades". kp has a reputation for charades. She is the most participative and CERTAINLY the loudest competitor. Well, it started off great and kp was her usual boisterous self for the first round, but she then became a bit quieter. It was soon "her turn" and it became very clear that she couldn't participate with only one arm in operation. I was sad but didn't let it show, so was Marie. I suspect everyone else was feeling the same, but none of us let it show. I asked Karen if she wanted me to take her go, and she said "yes". :-( Our team won, which was great, but this didn't take away from the fact that this is one of the many things that Karen can't do, and perhaps won't be able to do again in the future. It is very sad and I have shed a few tears over this (as has Marie) when we got to our homes.

Before I came home, I asked kp how she felt about not being able to dance or play charades. She said words to the effect of "it was no big deal", but I am pretty confident that this is a bit of a front to protect us (the star she is). I KNOW she has SO MANY of these kind of situations to face in the future. In hospital, you can't fully realise what the implications are of having a bad arm/hand. kp knows this also in theory, but the practice of it is going to be very hard to bear. kp enjoys all the things that need 2 working hands and I don't think it is until she tries to garden, read, walk the dogs, etc etc... that she will realise her full predicament. I feel so sorry for her. :-(

That aside, she has still had a good day. She stayed in the chair for a WHOPPING 2 hours 45 minutes !!!!!! TROUNCING her previous record by at least an hour ! She said she could have done more also.

It was a great day overall, we all enjoyed it, but it was also a day that showed us all that we don't have the same kp (in body) that we did before. In some ways, this is good, because our ear drums remain intact in a game of charades, but obviously we yearn for the old kp back. I know in time, she will get louder, but I will miss seeing her do the charades and strutt her stuff on the dancefloor. Who knows, one day, she may regain enough strength and ability to dance and do charades. The dancing I can see, but I fear it may be one-handed charades


Video Footage of kp and the party to follow within 24 hours when my mate Nigel Gibbs strutts HIS stuff and converts my video footage to "viewable over the web" footage. It's funny stuff imho. I was LOLing when I saw it back


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kp.....what a piccy of you....its great you all smiles...fab to see....
and yvonne the slasa teaching....can i join ?????

you all look to be haveing a fab day...

ok we on the team know how much, kp, you enjoy about eye spy...????

and i see you didnt play...I'm going to the moon'..... do you that would have had them all guessing and you would have won with out a doubt...if i remeber correctly it took you quite a few goes to 'get the jist if it'.....but not befor you decided you didnt want to go to the moon any

am dead pleased you all had a great day....carnt wait to see the

nite debs

11:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey COME ON you two,
dont want to hear anymore sad talk after what you have been through the only way is up.Karen you will adapt to the way things are I know its hard but you may find you can do things you never dreampt of before, even better things than you used to do.Both of you have shown what you are made of so keep the heads up guys. Cannot wait to see the vid of get together it looked loads of fun how come you get out of it all the time DP. Will you tell Marie my sis got took in hospital.I hope to see you soon Karen but not making any plans I will just turn up at Maries one day soon and come with her.

10:56 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, yvonne swayse here, great day,best fun we,ve had for yonks,loads more to come karen, you did great,everyone enjoyed it see you on saturday love yvonnexx

6:15 pm  

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