Thursday, October 13, 2005

Day 168 - Thursday 13th October

Cracking day today - loads of laughs !

When I had arrived, kp had done her arm in trying to get out of bed and whenever she moved it, it was accompanied with an "ow" or a double "ow".

It got a bit better as the day went on.

We went straight for a bath today, but one with a twist. Normally, I wheel her in on her bed and hoist her into the bath. Given her new ability to stand and transfer to another chair, we thought we would try going in on the wheelchair, transferring to the hoisting seat and lowering on that.

Well, she hated it. She found it uncomfortable and the "worst bath experience" ever. So, that won't be happening again.

Bath over in record time, we had a bit of a snooze before the Neuro Psychologist came to do more tests on kp. The tests were VERY interesting and again, I can't really go into too much detail, but they included

things Karen had to recreate (which she didn't do too well on)
things she had to remember over different periods of time (my memory is v. poor, so I have no idea how she did at this one)
and there was a joint exercise where kp had to answer a load of questions about herself, and I had to answer them as to how I thought kp was doing in those areas.

All very interesting, the results of which we will find out next Wednesday. Can't wait !

That over, it was time for physio. Quite a bit of time was spent on trying to get kp's arm back in good shape, followed by the usual leg strengthening and walking. What made this physio session VERY memorable is the room was VERY windy today. I can't say any more than that, but Gale Force winds were around. It was like a hurricane at times and we were ALL in stitches.

I tried to get kp to give me the "ok" to describe the events in more detail, but all I could get away with was what I have written above.

Physio over, we had a cup of tea with Marie who had arrived at 1pm and who spent most of the afternoon in the Day Room reading "Bella" (or something like that) because of all the action going on with kp's visits.

Tomorrow, she comes home and we have an action-packed weekend lined up. Should be fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi kp, aka BLONDIE..just flew in from the windy city,and the windy city is mighty lol .I take it the old high kicks have had you in stitches again..Does this mean your resignation is in the post.HA HA !! Hope you and David have a great weekend.LOTS OF LOVE LYD XX See you all soon.

9:16 pm  

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