Sunday, December 11, 2005

Day 226 - Saturday 10th December

Abbie and Marie were up early. Abbie amused herself drawing whilst Marie did some housework (thanks Marie !).

Marie did a fryup for us all, which was lovely. She even cut the fat off the bacon - a real cook !! Once Marie and Abbie had left, kp and I went for a new toaster (our old one kept blowing the house circuit, leaving us powerless). We didn't take the wheelchair (FOR THE FIRST TIME !). It was just, me, kp + stick, and although she was very slow, she did the whole thing without the wheelchair.

It's quite good having someone disabled with you actually, 'cos I can whip out the disabled badge and park right next to the shop. And if anyone's in the way, you can just shout "Excuse me, Disabled person coming through".

Well, you can shout "Excuse me" and let them see kp's slow walk and they get the drift. :-)

We got our toaster and because of Marie's big mouth, we had to get a George Foreman Grill. Although the man in the shop looked a bit confused when I asked him where his "George Formby" grills were. kp laughed.

Once home, we both had a snooze until the evening's entertainment commenced. We thoroughly enjoyed our Saturday night.

kp had her new 100mg Fentanol Patch on yesterday lunchtime and her Saturday night sleep was excellent. She can definately feel the benefit. So, I think she will be staying on the 100mg Patches.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How good are you Karen going out with just a stick you just amaze me every time I read the blog keep it up kid. David I know just how you feel im full of cold as well its a bloody nusance on a night when you try to get some zzzzs. How good is Abby with the calenders, she made me one last year I hope she makes me one this year because I will miss seeing it by the phone.Stay well both LOVE AN HUGS Margo

7:15 pm  

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