Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Day 230 - Wednesday 14th December

Busy day today, but very enjoyable.

Before I forget, I presented Karen with her Xmas present yesterday, a little early, but we are away for Xmas at my mum and dad's, so wouldn't get time for a present exchange. She said she liked it, but I have since found out she was being polite. My thoughts were along the lines of "What do you get someone who has problems putting on their own shoes ?". A shoehorn, but it's for Xmas, it has to be a good shoehorn. How about a brass shoehorn ?

Well, I was thrilled with it, and thought kp would be, but as soon as Ronnie and Jane arrived yesterday they started taking the Michael out of my present.

The girls have reeducated me on buying lady's Xmas presents and I have done some last minute shopping along their suggestions, so fingers crossed.

This morning, we had a visit from the Mobile Care Warden who came to check kp was ok. We totally misunderstood who she was, as we were expecting the Social Worker and someone from the Care department. Pretty much as soon as she left, the 2 people we were expecting arrived and discussed kp's care options.

Getting her in a Care Home isn't one of them - I live in hope ! ;-)

With them gone, we had a lovely fryup courtesy of Jane and Ronnie.

To thank Ronnie and Jane for their support during Karen's last 8 months, we had arranged for our friend Diane Baker (Masseuse extraordinaire) to come and do her stuff. Even Adele popped up for a massage. It was wonderful as ever.

We treat Jane and Ronnie to half an hour each. Jane was in there nearly 90 minutes !!!!

Karen wanted to have a much deeper massage this week. We had practiced (on our bed) seeing if Karen could get on her front. It took a great deal of maneuvering but we managed it, so the plan was for kp to get on her front on Diane's massage table. Well, I knew I would be needed so hung around, but we just couldn't even get kp on the massage table. She couldn't lift her hips/bum to get her bum on. So I had to get the step ladders so she could use the first step to get her bum on the table. Eventually, we managed it.

kp loved her massage and we think she fell asleep half way through. No surprise, given she was up until 1am with Jane and Ronnie.

We all had a thoroughly enjoyable session with Diane. She even had a cup of tea with us and asked us "who snored ?". There was a mass pointing of fingers at each other. She then proceeded to tell us a way of stopping snoring, massaging a certain part of the foot.

She massaged this area on all the snorers. I am too much of a gentleman to name the snorers. Actually, bugger that, in order of volume, Jane, Karen, David and Ronnie. So, we'll know tomorrow how well it's worked. Watch this space.

Diane explained how her massage (on all of us) will expel all the toxins, and that tonight we should be very wary of drinking alcohol (as that is a form of toxin). So, we have all been sat down thinking about this, and we have decided that eating fruit should be ok. And wine is only fermented fruit. I can drink my cider because it's only fermented apples. Jane has brought some Advocaat to make Snowballs and get us in the festive spirit. Advocaat is mostly eggs and milk (according to the label). (Well, 17.1% alcohol as well, but that was in smaller ink, so can't be as important). So, Diane if you are reading this, we are sure you'll agree that our planned fruit night should go ahead !


Karen has been asleep since her massage. Ronnie has cooked us Spag Bol and it smells lovely, so it's time to wake the beast, I mean, the wife.


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