Friday, December 23, 2005

Day 239 - Friday 23rd December

Last night, kp and I did quite a bit of talking. This pending Xmas coupled with reading the witness statements of everyone at the accident scene has made us BOTH realise how damn lucky we are to be still together.

It's very hard to put into words our feelings for each other at the moment. We were very much in love before any of this happened and both of us would have said it couldn't have got more intense, but it has tenfold.

I am so grateful for kp being alive and with me. Last night, I spent half of the night (slight exaggeration) waking up and looking at her and just kissing her, which met with a sleepy "Thanks".

kp is so grateful for having me around to help her get through this, that she does similar things at the drop of a hat.

I think we are both scared (kp a little more so) that something else is going to happen to break us apart. Neither of us want that to happen, but we are very much in a place where we can't get enough of each other (not meant sexually, chance would be a fine thing).

When today came and we woke up, the same thoughts stayed with us all day, and i expect will stay with us for quite a few more weeks. If we could grip each other so tight that we melted into one, we would.

Anyway, sloppy stuff apart.

Last day for the home help lady today. As soon as she left, we started packing for our Xmas trip to mum and dad's and then I had a load of paperwork to get through for kp with regards Incapacity Benefit, Disability Living Allowance, Solicitor Letters, Road Tax Exemption, Paying for the warden service etc etc...

That took an age and we left late to get to Yvonne's for the Boro clan get together. We exchanged presents and stuffed ourselves on Yvonne's buffet.

It was nice to see everyone.......I took some photos, but my phone camera isn't the best....

So, excuse the blurs.........


Abbie Close Up

Freddy, Abby + Ethan

Yvonne, Chris, Craig, Dave, Glenn

kp and I had a late night last night (1.30am) and no snoozes today, so we are ready for an early night.

A lovely day.

kp and I are really going to enjoy each other's company over Xmas. It is a very special time generally anyway, but MUCH more so this year. Much more..........


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