Friday, December 16, 2005

Day 232 - Friday 16th December

Bad day today. kp's fentanol patch was due to be changed today, and she really could tell - she was in a lot of pain. I gave her the patch early, but it was a duff patch, and wouldn't stick properly, so I had to get another one, as she didn't want there to be ANY risk of the pain relief not working.

Everything was an effort. We had an invite to Abbie's Nativity Play over in Middlesbrough and I knew she was only going because she didn't want to let Abbie down.

She knew she would need to go to the loo at some point whilst at Adele's (before the play) and was worrying in the car about the steps to the loo at Adele's. This led her on to worry about the steps at my parent's (for our Xmas trip). She really doesn't like steps. Thank God for bungalows !!

The nativity play was a hoot, and really took kp's mind off things. Both kp and I got the giggles during the entertainment, and we were both struggling not to burst out laughing. I'll set the scene. Year 4 students came on from the music class to perform 2 songs on the recorder. Well, these students knew ONLY 2 notes. And they used one note in one song, and the other in the other song. How is this possible, I sense you are asking. They had a backing track, and in one song, they tooted along to the track with one note, and in the other they changed their grip to too along with another note.

It was funny at the time.

Abbie was an angel in the Nativity, pictured here (tallest angel)..........

(Click on the photo to see it blown up, sorry about the blur)

The nativity over, we had some mince pies and coffee, provided by the school :-)

We took everyone back to Adele's where we stayed for a cup of tea, but I could tell Karen wasn't 100%. On the way home, she returned a call from the National Blood Service Personnel department, and I could tell she was getting frustrated. She really struggles to take things in since the accident. She hadn't grasped the meaning of the conversation and I had to ring a work colleague (who had had the same conversation with Personnel) to find out what it was all about :-(

We had a few tears when we got home. Things are getting on top of her - the pain, the confusion in conversations etc... :-( We had a good talk, and we are going to talk more tomorrow. She is using distraction (Deal or No Deal) to pass the time until tea is ready. (Tracy and Marge's Shepherds Pie).

So, overall, a bad day, with some fun in the middle


Anonymous Anonymous said...

karen l know today has been very difficult for you and it would have been so easy to say lcannot go ,but you never.your determination and courage never lets you take the easy option thats why l and so many others admire you.l wish l could make your bad days and your pain dissappear but thats not possible l know .theres very little l can do except let you know good days or bad,come rain or come shine l will always be here for you little sister of mine.luv marie x

9:21 pm  

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