Monday, December 26, 2005

Day 242 - Boxing Day

We both had a great night's sleep. kp loves the bed at mum and dad's.

After a morning cuppa, we had quite a few visitors (family and friends of the Pollards) around for a nice buffet lunch Mum had put on. And more champagne. kp was feeling a bit tipsy again - Go Girl !! :-)

Then it was Panto time. Oh no, it wasn't..........Oh Yes, it was. I can't hear you. Oh Yes, it was. I still can't hear you. Oh shut up blithering David.

The Panto was at the Lowry Centre in Manchester. It was ok. kp slept through most of it as did my mother and father. The kids weren't that interested after the first 15 minutes, but apart from that it was well worth the trip ;-) I enjoyed it anyway !

Mum and Dad are out tonight, so kp and I will be watching a bit of tv and then retiring, once I have sorted mum's 140 viruses out on her pc.


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