Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Day 243 - Tuesday 27th December

kp had another great night's sleep. I was watching her for about 30 mins this morning while she was still fast asleep. She was snoring, but whilst she was snoring, she would scratch parts of her body. It was very funny to watch. Her hand would come up to her face, scratch her cheek, move to scratch her lip, hover .......... then gently subside back to the bed. She did this a few times with different parts of her face.

I love her so much.

We got up about 10am and got all ready for a breakfast of mince pies and toast. I then did some work on mum's computer, before we had a training session on their dvd recorder. It was then time to go home.

We said our farewells. The weather on the trip home was treacherous. We hit bits of snow which became blizzards over the A66. The car was sliding around the round and kp was VERY frightened. It didn't help when we nearly got home and got to Crook to see loads of fire engines, policecars AND an air aimbulance that had landed ON THE ROAD. They were still cuttinh the people out of the car as we passed. kp didn't look at all but it really unnerved her. The road was complete black ice for quite a few miles. It was a horrid journey :-(

She didn't want me to pick the dogs up from the vet tonight, but knew we had to. Thankfully, the roads around Lanchester were a lot better than around Crook.

Dogs home, we got a pizza in and watched some episodes of "Lost". It'll be time for bed shortly. kp is kn+ckered !


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