Monday, January 02, 2006

Day 249 - Monday 2nd January 2006

This morning I decided to see what would happen if I didn't get Karen up. Would she wake up herself ? Would she buzz me to say she wanted to get up.

At 12.30pm, I chickened out and woke her up. I'll maybe try that again some other day, but I fear she may be in bed the whole day !

She wanted me to do the same hairstyle that she gets at the hairdresses. I tried. I failed.

It's such a fart on and involves me getting my hands full of sticky yuk.

Mostly uneventful day until Marie and Glenn came for a natter. That's it really


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your hair looks much better on blog than it did when we arrived karen.we enjoyed our glad all the fuss is over and we can get back to normality whatever that is.glen is just getting ready to travel back adele and kids been over for lunch and say their goodbyes.will speak to you later luv marie and glen xr

4:31 pm  

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