Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Day 307 - Wednesday 1st March 2006

Finally, a good day for Karen. It seems like she had a long wait for this one.

Physio today. kp's physio had been away for 5 weeks and we were hoping that she may be able to do something to ease Karen's pain in her left (and right) shoulder. After a discussion about her aches and pains, the physio set about sorting kp out. She started by seeing how much Karen could move her left shoulder. Everyday kp and I do, what we call, the gorilla exercises. It basically involves pushing your shoulders back and your chest forward and holding it for a few seconds, and then reversing that, and holding your shoulders back and hunching your arms like a gorilla in front of you. When kp does this (everyday), the left shoulder hardly moves and the right seems to do all the work. All to do with the stroke weakness. When kp did this for the physio today, it was just the same. Very little movement.

So, the physio set about trying to loosen up the left shoulder. She applied some cream she had bought from the other side of the world and gave Karen a massage. The slightest touch (to start of) resulted in big OW's and the Physio had to start by making it a light massage. Gradually she made it harder and harder and the area got REALLY red.

She followed this up with some exercises and various other bits of physio and then asked Karen to try the same gorilla exercises.

One, they caused NO Pain and two, I could see the shoulder had more free movement. kp was really pleased that what we had thought MAY have helped (a visit to the OT) had actually sorted the problem out.

So, we both had big grins as we left the hospital.

We have been given some tips to prevent it stiffening up again and some slightly different gorilla exercises. kp's mood has lifted with the pain and all is ok in the Pollard household tonight.

Good News on the coat hanger auction. It's up to a massive £16 !!!! Thanks to all the bidders who got it so high !!! Anyone want to make it £20 ? Then CLICK HERE. All proceeds go to "Marrow Transplant 2000".


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