Monday, April 10, 2006

Day 347 - Monday 10th April 2006

Strange Night. kp's sleep pattern is well out of sync at the moment. She came to bed at 5am. All her snoozes are making it hard for her to sleep on a night, but she doesn't seem too bothered by it. I got up at 5.30am because I couldn't get back to sleep after she came to bed.

We had an appointment today with the Stroke Association. The lady concerned was due to arrive at 12pm, so I got kp up 15 minutes before as ordered/requested.

We enjoyed a nice cup of tea out the front in the glorious weather awaiting her arrival. Not much to report from that meeting. She explained more about rehab uk (a brain injury based unit in Newcastle that helps people get back to work). Although kp knows she is nowhere near ready for work, she wants something to aim for.

When the lady left, we both had a lovely snooze. We fell asleep in each other's arms and 2 hours later, we were in the exact same position :-) Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr :-) (Vomit !)

It was still glorious outside so we went out the back (that's where the sun is in the afternoon for us) and had a cup of tea/can of cider. I wish she wouldn't drink so much cider ;-)

kp has been in her pyjamas all day and her hair has not been, how can I put it politely, looking good all day, but I don't mind. I wanted to take a photo for the blog of us sitting outside, but kp wasn't having any of it.

So, I have compromised. I have used my incredible artistic talent to draw a very life-like kp in the chair with the appropriate hairstyle.


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