Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Day 348 - Tuesday 11th April 2006

A more ordered night's sleep, but she still got up for an hour somewhere in the middle.

I forgot to mention a big step forward the other day - kp made the evening meal !!!! It was Bacon in baps and lovely at that ! :-)

I think she may cook tea again tonight and I think it's Bacon in baps again. Hope there's not a trend developing here.

Today, kp showed the signs of "going on a downer", quietness, staring, thinking, solemn face. This afternoon, she confirmed my fears that she felt she was.

Cue distractions. We went for a 1mph walk to post a letter and get some bread/milk. kp has been keen to get a new bathroom setup, so we started looking into that more. And fortunately, tomorrow Marie, Adele, Abbie and Louisa are coming over to stay the afternoon/night. That couldn't have been better timed. She went for a snooze after her walk.

kp:- My buns are killing me.

Since the accident, kp has been calling her calfs, slabs and her bum cheeks, buns ?! We are going to try and do a walk-a-day, to try and build her stamina.

She seems ok after her snooze, watching Coronation Street.

Just over 2 weeks sees the 1st anniversary of the accident. kp has been wondering what to do for the day. It's a tricky one, because on the one hand, I would like it to be just kp and I, but on the other, some distraction may be necessary, not so much for kp, but for me. I am starting to think back to those awful first days. They are not nice memories. We'll see what happens.

So, generally, not the best of days. Fingers crossed, her mood doesn't get any lower. It's not too bad at the moment, but it's one of those turning point days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

kp....bacon bap's...all round..i like mine well done please...... ;-) ...bet that felt good being back in the kitchen again....well done lass...
now then david im sorry to say your artistic attributes leave a lot to be desired....i mean come on man.... kp has not got red hair...lol

had a so so day at work very quiet on the donor front so not a bad finish..

oh you must ask loop about her botox..that went a little wrong..lol....she looked a bit like frank bruno's sparring partner and sounded like 'the God Father'...lol
poor lass she had her wisdom teeth out at 11 and was at work for 1pm....personnally i would have taken the day off..but not 'SUPER THONG' she was with us spitting and slobbering all over till gone 5.30 when the numbness wore off...im ashamed to admit it but i couldnt help but giggle at her....i wont write on here what she said will leave it for her to tell you..you know she tells a great story...lol

ok pet that's it for this one

speak soon and its a green light for the 28th, we both got A/L

david you are coming too arnt you??? that is if you want too....

night night


11:18 pm  

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