Friday, October 14, 2005

Day 169 - Friday 14th October

Great Day today.

After her bath, we pretty much hot-footed it out of the hospital as soon as we had all our drugs packed up. At the last minute, kp remembered her dressing needed changing and rather than bother the nurses who were pushed for time today, we just went into her bathroom, I whipped her trousers down whilst she was standing, whipped the old one off and slapped a new one on, trousers up and we were ready for the off. It might not have been very professional, but it meant we could get away quicker.

We went straight to Sainsburys to get some food for the weekend and I think kp enjoyed the mooch around. We got the usual disabled trolley, which I really enjoy driving around. It sticks on the front of the wheelchair with 2 two foot-long arms followed by the trolley, so its a bit like driving an articulated lorry around a supermarket but fun with it. If you hit people they tend to be very understanding.

Shopping done, we went home for a toasted sandwich with Parkinson (from last Saturday).

After that kp wanted to get "off her bum" and laid down on the sofa, within minutes, she was asleep.

Marie, Jane, Adele, Abbie and Louisa arrived. It's our Lee's (Marie's son) anniversary tomorrow (4 years since he died of Leukaemia at the age of 19). Karen always used to go over to Maries and make up some home-made flower arrangements to plant at his gravestone. This time the flowers came to kp (thanks to Jane for getting them at remarkable prices again !!!).

Karen had chosen to do a guitar for Lee, and Marie did her "Son". Abbie did a posie. The girls tackled the guitar first :-

and then while kp rested her numb bum again, Marie cracked on with "Son".

They had a great time doing it which is the important thing. I took the opportunity of lying down on the sofa. After about 20 minutes of light sleep, I heard Abbie (Lee's niece) (8 year old) telling everyone she had been watching Karen and I's wedding video to cheer her up and see Lee alive again. She said Karen looked "beautiful", and that I had "big hair". I used to be bouffante back then. I couldn't help put put "2 fingers" in the air slowly from behind the settee, everyone laughed apart from Marie who nearly took a slipper to my arse for doing it in front of abbie.

She scares me that Marie ! ;-)

All the flower work paid off and Lee would be proud of the girls :-

Once they all left, kp was ready for bed. She has a new gadget that is supposed to help her make it through the night without needing to get up to go to the loo/commode. We call it the slipper, because it looks like a slipper. She has needed help with the positioning of this to date (because of her short arms), but to allow me to have a good night's sleep, she was keen to suss it herself. Well, we have just tried it. We prepared for the worst, and we are glad we did, because the slipper is as dry as parched leprechaun in the middle of a desert. The towel we used just in case isn't. So Cinderella you can come and claim your slipper. It doesn't fit this lady's "feet".

With that a disaster, we tried a few trial runs to see if kp could get out of bed herself, and after some expert tuition (tips I had remembered the physios telling me) she is able to get out of bed herself, transfer to the commode and back again. She even did a trial run in the near pitch dark and made it successfully, so fingers crossed for tonight.

Cracking day overall.


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