Saturday, October 29, 2005

Day 184 - Saturday 29th October - Part One

Ronnie, Jane, kp and myself stayed up late last night - well, late for kp, and very late for me (12.30am). kp had been drinking tea and had 2 cups. The first 2 hours of sleep involved 3 commode trips. By the third one, I was a zombie. kp could sense this I think :-(

The next commode trip (I have no idea what time it was), kp managed to get herself up and back to bed herself. I only caught the last bit when she returned to bed. I don't think she found it too easy though and subsequent commode trips (and there was at least one), she needed my help.

So, safe to say, not the best of nights.

Jane and Ronnie were up early (8am & 9am respectively), and I followed shortly after and walked the dogs. kp got up about 11.30am. Jane did a fry up for her and me :-) Ronnie did Hot Cross Buns for her and kp.

kp, Ronnie and Jane were due a trip into Durham to meet up with one of Ronnie's friends, but after a trip to the loo, kp didn't feel very well - very nauseous, so she opted to stay at home with me. We snoozed most of the afternoon, and kp is still snoozing now. Fingers crossed she is up for Pizza Night and X Factor.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen & David, its Carole here, Susan Knights friend. I just wanted to say I hope you enjoyed your birthday? Sorry for not sending this yesterday, I got tied up at the pictures with the kids then had to come home and get ready for a night out with work and forgot all about it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY anyway, party sounded like good fun.

8:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen, looks like you had a great birthday and weekend. Loved the photos of the parties. Great to see you up and being able to join in activities. Hope next time I see you is at your house!!
love sue

12:00 pm  

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