Monday, October 24, 2005

Day 179 - Monday 24th October

I arrived at 12pm today and kp had JUST woke up !! I normally get there for 10am, so the nurses don't normally disturb kp (which she appreciates) as they know I will get her up.

At 11.50am, they had realised that I wasn't there and woken her up. kp said she would have slept a lot longer :-)

After the bath and some fresh air (treacherous day), we had a little snooze before physio.

The main man got kp on the bench perfectly on her side and started lifting her left leg into all kinds of places (up, backwards, up & backwards at the same time etc etc...). I think he was trying to loosen her left hip a bit.

That over, he concentrated on kp's left arm and wrist. They had stiffened up a bit over the weekend.

kp then walked (in front of the main man) all the way back to her room (about 90 steps). No wheelchair and HARDLY any support from him.

Once back, kp grilled him on leaving dates and how good will her left arm get.

Leaving Dates - Nothing is confirmed yet, but he thinks another 2 weeks plus this week should see her at the best time to leave. We worked out that is approx 10th/11th November.

How good will her left arm get - Very tactfully the main man said there is still improvement to be made and mentioned some things kp may be able to do to help its recovery. He also said it wouldn't get to be as strong as the right arm.

Physio over, Lydia arrived with her nan. Her nan was a bit worse for wear after climbing the steps to the ward and at one point we thought she was going to pass out. After the worrying time, we were all laughing about it, and her nan took it in good spirit.

We had a good laugh with Lydia (+nan) and then it was time for us all to go.

That's it for today.

Attention All Bloggers
It is looking like Karen will be coming home Thursday or Friday (10/11th November). This could well change by a week or two. I would like to make her homecoming a big event. There will be buffet/drinks laid on at our home for anyone who has been reading the blog and would like to come. Nearer the time, I will post more specific details, but this is just a heads up for now. All welcome.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello camper's...

i was very pleased that i brought such joy to you all

if you thought i was about to pass out on my entry to your should of seen the state of me when lydia(my darling grand-daughter) got me to the car....what a excuse the spelling my eyes are old and

was very nice to see you both looking so well and im sure lydia (darling dearest grand-daughter) will bring me in again soon...

love to all and night night
watch out the beg bugs dont bite...

love from Nan....xxxxx

10:31 pm  
Blogger gillian said...

i wish i could be there for the buffet! but singapore's abit far from your home, and i'm going to have my varsity examinations soon. nonetheless, i'm so glad to have seen karen go through this terrible ordeal and emerge a WINNER! :) enjoy yourselves!

2:14 pm  
Blogger David Pollard said...


I have heard some excuses, but "in the middle of exams" and "in Singapore" has to rate among the richest of them.

We would love to see you at the get-together, but fully understand that you have some very good reasons for not attending !



8:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Both,
Just caught up with blog couldnt get to pc as all sorts in the room been decorating. Karen I love your hair it makes you look 10 years younger (not that you look old) people will think you have got yourself a dolly bird David. I cant belive how far you have come Karen, Marie has kept me informed as to how you are doing but it is great to see you using the stairs and walking so well. It is great how the simple things the physio can show you that can make all the differance its one small step and all that keep it up girl Love an Hugs to the three of you (Marie as well tell her i will speak to her soon on new pc) Margo

2:45 pm  
Blogger gillian said...

dear david and karen, could i have your address please? =)

6:39 pm  

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