Monday, October 17, 2005

Day 172 - Monday 17th October

kp was due to have some bed mobility training (how to move around the bed and get out of/into bed) this morning at 9.15am. When I arrived at 11am, she said that the physio hadn't been and must have forgot.

Her mood this morning was a bit flat, but nothing drastic. We went out for some fresh air after a nice bath.

After being outside, she really needed to get warm, so we got her tucked up in bed and we both had a snooze until physio.

The main man had been detained and was a little late for physio but we were well entertained by the other physios and one of their patients who is a real hoot.

Karen took issue with the physio who "hadn't been" for the bed mobility training.

kp:- So, X, where were you at 9.15am this morning ?
X :- I was in your bedroom watching you snore. I came back 4 more times and you were still asleep.

kp started laughing.

When the main man arrived, he got stuck in to see how kp's left leg and torso was doing. After loads of manipulation, he had sussed her out 100% and went straight for some walking.

THIS wheelchair !!!! :-)

She did about 40 steps with no assistance apart from the main man who had his hand across her back to give her a little support and to see if she was going to fall. He didn't assist with her foot placement at all. It was very impressive. After 40 steps, her left leg was getting a bit tired and we called it a day. She did very well !

Physio over, Marie and Michelle arrived and we had a good laugh with them. At one point, Marie took kp to the loo and Michelle and I jumped in Karen's bed for when she came out of the loo.

dp:- What are we doing ? Pretending to be asleep ?
Michelle :- Or should we be pretending to have sex ? I do that anyway in my sleep

Well, we pretended to sleep and kp was laughing her head off when she came out.

That's it for today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Blondie what a weekend you ve had, (love the new hair do ),should be a doddle for David to re-create,with his obvious hidden talents with a lol. Oh and fourty steps unaided YAHOOOOOOOO... you are turning into (jamie wagner ) AKA THE BIONIC WOMAN....THE MAIN MAN HAS HAD THE POWER TO REBUILD YOU ...(cue the music ) Dnnn Dnnn D NNNN....OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. Well night night KP,hope you sleep well. lots of love to all. LYDIA XX

10:59 pm  

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