Saturday, October 15, 2005

Day 170 - Saturday 15th October - Part One

Scary Night.

After much practice at transferring to the commode we both felt kp was ready to transfer herself in the middle of the night. How wrong we were !

At about 4am, I heard kp rustling and asked her if she was getting up for the loo. She was. So, I lay on my side watching her, I could pick her out, because of the little nightlight we had on. She ..........
  • got on to her bum fine from lying
  • stood up fine
  • started turning fine
  • then........
Grabbed for the toilet roll and fell like a sack of potatoes ! It was horrible to watch. She hit the back of her head on the floor and I could see nothing now from my vantage point, and all I could hear was :-

kp:- "Ow, Ow, Ow, Owwwwwwww !"

I rushed out of bed and checked she was "ok". She was still desperate for the loo, of course, and how she managed to hold on to it, I don't know, because her bladder is so weak. I presume lying down helped.

I got the slipper prompto and whapped it in the appropriate place. Relief ensued and no wet carpet.

Karen reassured me she was "ok", I think she was concerned at me running round like a headless chicken.

I calmed down a bit, and asked her what happened. She lost her balance when grabbing the loo roll. Although we had done the whole thing in the same light fine in our practices, we hadn't counted on the lack of balance you have when you wake up in the middle of the night.

Whilst she was down there, she asked me what I had saw. Rather than explain, I did an impression of what she had just done and kp was howling with laughter, grabbing her belly as she always does when she laughs now.

I was so pleased to hear her laugh. This could have been a lot worse.

I covered kp up on the floor with a blanket while we worked out how on EARTH we were going to get her off the ground. Although she can normally get to sitting from lying, she can only do that if her legs can dangle over the edge of a bed.

By this time, it was 4.15am and she had been on the floor for 15 minutes. We had worked out we didn't want to call an ambulance (pride), didn't want to call Tommy or Eileen ('cos of the ungodly hour) and there was no other way but for me to lift her to standing.

With little ado, I just put my arms behind her back and lifted her to standing. I doubt I could do it again, but i think all the psyching up and the lack of other routes meant it just had to be done. I was amazed that I could do it frankly. If i believed in god, I would have looked up and said "Thanks mate".

Once back in bed, we both didn't sleep for ages, and every 15 minutes I kept asking kp "are u ok ?". She kept saying "yes". This must have gone on until about 6am, and that's the last time I looked at the clock.

I got up at 8am to walk the dogs before our visitor arrived today at 10am. I got kp up at 9am and she really didn't want to get up. She was knackered. But she got up to be ready in time for our solicitor arriving at 10am to meet Karen for the first time.

After our visitor left (1pm), we both went back to sleep for a couple of hours before kp's hair appointment. Neither of us wanted to get up again, but needs must.

I took a photo of the hair style she had before her hair appointment :-

To marvel at the beauty of the work in more detail, click on the photo.

This hair style was totally my own work. I like to call it "Wind meets hair, meets water, meets sleep". It's a style that I am sure you will agree will be the rage in all the salons in a year's time.

I am available for home visits.

I dropped kp off at the salon at 3.35pm and am awaiting a call to pick her up. I will take an after shot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont know what happened to message typed it all in then done the rest of stuff you have to do and it all went off. i will do it all again later Mal is shouting me Love an Hugs Margo

5:10 pm  

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