Thursday, October 20, 2005

Day 175 - Thursday 20th October

On my arrival, kp went straight to the loo.

The toilet paper dispenser is out of reach of the loo for kp (as its on her left side), so I have to pass her the loo paper. It's one of those loo paper dispensers that gives out a large sheet folded in half. The first time I handed her a sheet, she wanted "more than that". I am now in the routine of giving her 4 (FOUR) sheets for a single use ! Today, I handed her the first FOUR sheets and she said "I want more than that !".

If there are any millionaires out there who can afford to take on kp, please step forward. I can't afford the toilet roll bill when she gets home. I am still on the same roll as we had in place before the accident (well not far off !)

After the loo, she went to wash her hand. After she had washed her hand, I helped dry her hand whilst making a kind of hair dryer noise.

kp:- You don't have to make noises while you dry my hand. I am not a kid you know.

At which point, she started laughing. So, of course, for the rest of the day, I had to make the noises.

Later in the day........(me making drying noises whilst drying kp's hand with the towel)

kp:- It's not funny. I am not laughing

Belly laughs followed.


I forgot to mention that kp is now walking to the loo and back. This started Tuesday of this week. It's a slow walk and she holds my hand for balance, but she walks nonetheless.

Loo over, it was time for a hot bath. She had lots of aches and pains today, so was really ready for it. It was a record 41.8'C today, and she had to be lowered in real slowly but she loved it when in.

After the bath, we had a snooze. I snoozed on the bed with kp today, and it was lovely for both of us.

We went down for lunch at the big Quenellies for a Roast Beef meal. It was lovely although not as tasty as last week. It was a big portion and kp ate the LOT.

Lunch over, physio followed.

Today was a bit strange to watch. The main man lifted kp's left foot and shin in the air and out to the side and to all sorts of places, whilst kp was holding all her weight on her right leg. This got kp to balance more without using her hand or her left leg as a dead weight on the ground. It obviously did the trick as by the end of it, not only could kp move her left leg out to the left (a first), but she walked 90 steps with only the main man with his finger/hand on kp's back (to sense when she fell).

She is deservedly so proud of herself when she walks, I can see her looking at people, so she can nod/smile back to them when they see her.

I can almost hear her saying "That's right, I'm walking !".

Nice one Love !!!

We were due a visit today from the Neuro Psychologist, but she got delayed, so she is coming tomorrow at 11am with the results of all kp's tests. Should be very interesting.

Also at 9.15am, kp is going to have some practice walking on carpet, which apparently is harder than walking on the shiny floor she has been walking on. The ward has a self-contained flat (with carpet, kitchen etc...) for patients to practice everyday things like making a cuppa, ironing for your husband etc...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Blondie,get you ,you look great,your doing really well ,SPEED WALKING, WHEYYYYHEYY . Nice one regarding the ironing David HA HA lol... Titters sends her love but is presently indisposed,we will both be in to see you as soon as .....SUPER NICKERS..has gone in for repairs and her 40 pluss service...(the elastic has gone) ha ha (thats me in trouble) knees a knocking... Well KP ,work is TRES exciting...NOT !!!! got to go and pepare to face my public,THATS PLATINUM CLUB FOR GET MY SLAP ON,!!!! You and WA DAVID have a nice day,will catch up later on your news.....lots of love LYDIA AND DEB XXXXXX

10:39 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant to see and read that you are walking, looking good!!!
Just moved office for the second time in 9 months!, still in Tech park but in a smaller and brighter office now rather than the barn of a room I had before,mind that much work to do, can only just fit it all in!!
Have a good weekend, no falling over this week!!!
Love Sue

1:37 pm  

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