Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Day 173 - Tuesday 18th October

kp felt a bit more positive this morning when I went in I am pleased to report and she seemed to retain this positivity all day.

Unfortunately, her eyes were "all to pot" today. Sometimes they don't line up and she sees things twice and no, she hadn't been drinking. This seemed to get better later in the day.

Physio was at 11.30am today. The main man spent lots of time working on kp's left arm today. Apparently, when kp moves her left arm forward, she does the movement a lot from the body and not from the arm. This is linked to the muscle stiffness in her left torso, so he spent quite a while trying to loosen up her left torso (rib cage area).

Then it was time for the daily walk. No wheelchair again, and this time the main man was behind Karen pushing her faster. I think he was trying to encourage a longer stride. It obviously worked as kp picked up quite a speedy walk. She did really well.

Today we went for lunch at the big Quenellies. kp had a hot beef sandwich with gravy and chips and thoroughly enjoyed it. I had a chicken korma that was to-die-for. We went back to the room for a 2 hour snooze before Marie arrived. I don't think Marie was feeling too well today as she didn't pick any bargains up from the town. ;-)


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