Sunday, October 23, 2005

Day 178 - Sunday 23rd October

We both had a fairly good night's sleep last night, not waking up until 6.15am, with only 2 toilet breaks in the night.

Karen woke up as stiff as a board with lots of aches and pains in her right shoulder. She thinks she slept funny. These aches and pains seemed to fade a bit as the morning passed.

Cup of Tea with Parkinson and the rest of last night's telly which we were too tired to watch.

kp checked her emails, but couldn't see a thing. Her eyes were a bit skewiff today, even with my glasses on. So, I ended up reading them out and typing them in.

Her eyes were so skewiff, we were sat outside enjoying some fresh air, and she looked towards some cows in the field across the way and said :-

kp:- Are they cows or sheep ?
dp:- Cows love.
kp:- Thought so

Lucky guess more like.

Mum and Dad came up and we went out for a Sunday Lunch. It was good company, but the food wasn't too hot. Beef should have blood visible in the Pollard's book and still "moo" if you put your knife in it. No "mooing" with this beef.

Mum and Dad chose well with the pork, but I was disgusted at the amount of Roast Potatoes we were each given. I normally like 10+. We each got 1 ! One ! ONE ! Mum and Dad sympathetically donated their single Roastie to me. I was polite and accepted so as not to offend ;-)

Meal over (thanks Dad), we went back for a cup of tea and a hot water bottle for Karen. Karen showed mum and dad a bit of walking. They were amazed. She even did a bit without holding my hand, but she doesn't feel confident enough for lots of that.

When M+D left, we went for a snooze. I was at the most beautiful place in dreamland, when kp woke me up for a "pee". We had to fully wake up to get on the commode, and then we returned to Zzzzz land. Heaven again, the most beautiful sleep and then

kp :- David, DAVID ! I need to go to the loo again.
dp :- No problem love, not a problem. Not a problem at all. Il n'ya pas de probleme. Keine probleme.

Well, there was no way I was going back to sleep now. To be woken at that heavenly point is torture for me, so I told kp I had had my sleep and went on the computer. Within minutes, kp was snoring.

We went back to the hospital a bit earlier than normal because of the patch issue (Friday's blog explains more).


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