Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Day 251 - Wednesday 4th January 2006 - Part One

Forgot to mention that yesterday, Karen got some sort of chest infection. She has been coughing and spluttering head head off. It seemed to get a bit worse overnight, judging by her voice this morning. Fingers crossed, it doesn't last too long.

We have physio later today, and I am giving blood this afternoon with kp coming along to see all her workmates, so she'll need to be feeling a bit better than yesterday.

One other thing for the blog which is a bit weird. kp woke up in the night shouting in agony "David, David.......".

I immediately fully woke up.

Her right shoulder (which she was leaning on) was really painful and she couldn't seem to move off it ?! When I tried, she just shouted more. Eventually, I managed to lever her off it, but it was so weird, because her right shoulder was one of the areas that wasn't injured and has never been a problem ?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen and David
Happy New Year to you both. I you are feeling better today Karen, and your cough goes away quickly.

We are all fine down here and had a lovely christmas. We have at long last got a new computer, so Mark very excited and has started editing the camcorder tapes for the last 3 years! So not seeing much of him in evenings lately, but some fun viewing ahead!

We really looking forward to seeing you next week, thanks for booking the masseaur(spelling?)Karen. Marge was going to ring you today for a catch up. Speak soon, take care, love Tracey xxx

2:33 pm  

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