Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Day 349 - Wednesday 12th April 2006

Eventful day today. kp didn't really have time to contemplate her situation and for her mood to worsen as it has been quite hectic with one thing or another.

She had another interrupted sleep, getting up for an hour or so, sometime in the middle of the night.

I didn't wake her until I got a text from Marie to say she was ready to be picked up at the bus station, accompanied by Adele, Abbie and Louisa.

By the time I returned, she was ready to get her socks and bra on (the 2 items she can't do herself) and get her hair dried. The kids were very good, but also very demanding and kp didn't get chance to have a snooze. Somehow I fitted one in though ;-)

Whilst I was asleep, Karen received a phonecall to tell her that her cousin Angela had died. She was 37 with 3 kids (13, 18, 19) and was found by her daughter (13) in the bathroom this morning. Cause of death is unknown at the moment, but she had been unwell the day before apparently. So, that came as a bit of a shock to us all.

When I got up, Karen and I took Abbie and Louisa to feed the horses. Here they armed with a bag of sugared bread and a bag of carrots.

Louisa has no fear when it comes to animals and was quite happy to try and feed them, until the last moment when she just threw the carrots at the horse.

Abbie on the other hand was a bit more timid, and couldn't quite get close enough to feed them. The food went down very well though.

Feeding the horses over, the kids wanted to explore the woods, so we let them wander off.

Marie had started the Roast Pork off while we were out and peeled all the veg. I took over the reins as was planned. Plus I had my commis chefs. It started off with just Louisa (stirring gravy).....

And soon Abbie was joining in.........

We enjoyed the meal. The end of the meal was greeted by Louisa (2) shouting.......

Louisa :- "I beel dick"

Well, none of us could understand her, but she was quite adamant that she beeled dick. So Marie rang Louisa's mam (adele) for the translation. It is of course

Louisa :- "I feel sick".

Well, she was saying it with such enthusiasm, that we didn't believe her. She was fast asleep 15 minutes later.

So, a sad day for the family today. I can't remember if I put this in the blog, but about 2 weeks ago, another of Karen's cousins (18) died of heart failure, so quite a bit of bad luck around at the moment.

But, kp has kept strong and for now is ok.


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