Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Day 355 - Tuesday 18th April 2006

kp had an awful night's sleep last night. I got this email from her this morning when i woke up.....

"it is645 and just coming to bed awful night got up at 1am came back at 4.30and never went back to sleepso got up at 6.30 let dogs out and here we are.there is a smell off cleo were she has beenlicking but couldnt see snything it needs a better look but i couldnt get down enough to see"

Poor cow.

I let her lie in until 1pm. Whilst she was sleeping, I prepared her next 4 week's tablets. I left the current week's tablet out for her by the fridge, and piled her other 3 week's tablets in a pile on the right hand side.

I have just noticed that she has been taking tablets from the wrong pile, completely ignoring the tray of tablets I had left out for her on the left hand side. You'd think I would have cottoned on to this neglect thing by now !

Once kp was up, we had breakfast and went to Costco to stock up. We enjoyed a nice shop and had an early tea on our return.

That's it for today. Apart from a word about Cleo. There was an awful smell coming from her left leg. I had a good look, and she has the biggest of blisters where her hugely enlarged left leg has been rubbing against her right (active) leg. We had enough dressings/bandages from previous dog episodes to clean the wound up and bandage her up.

Doesn't she look fetching ?


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